Montag, 21. Dezember 2015

Workout Tip: Every Minute on the Minute

Leider schaffe ich es in diesem Jahr nicht mehr in mein Barre-Studio, aber mit der PUSHPRESS TIMER APP werde ich versuchen ein paar kleine Workouts in die Feiertage zu quetschen. Das EMOM-Workout (Every Minute On The Minute) ist eine Serie von einfachen, kurzen, aber sehr anstrengenden Übungen, die man für einen bestimmten Zeitraum timen kann - je nachdem wie viel Zeit man hat. 

Ich habe eine gute Anleitung auf GET THE GLOSS gefunden! Viel Spaß beim Nachmachen.


Step1: Warm-up - 5 mins
Every minute, on the minute complete the following for 5 minutes:

4 inch worms
5 mountain climbers (step, don’t jump the legs
6 squats

Step 2: EMOM for 15 mins
Every Minute On the Minute complete the following for 15 minutes

12-16 walking lunges 
5 push-ups (on the knees if you are a beginner)

NOTE: Check your watch when you finish the movements and then take the rest of every minute to recover, ideally aiming for 15 seconds (or more) recovery before you starting again at the beginning of the next minute.


Step 1 Warm-up
Every minute, on the minute complete the following for 5 minutes:

4 inch worms
5 mountain climbers (step, don’t jump the legs)
6 squats

Step 2 EMOM for 10 minutes
Every minute on the minute repeat the following for 10 minutes

10 burpees
10 squats

Step 3 EMOM for 10 minutes
Every minute on the minute repeat the following for the remaining 10 minutes

20 mountain climbers
10 squats

NOTE: Check your watch when you finish the movements and then take the rest of every minute to recover, ideally aiming for 15 seconds (or more) recovery before starting again at the beginning of the next minute.


Step1: Warm-up - 10 minutes
Every minute, on the minute complete the following for 10 minutes:

4 inch worms
5 mountain climbers (step, don’t jump the legs)
6 squats

EMOM for 10 minutes
Every minute, on the minute complete the following for 10 minutes:

6-10 burpees (depending on ability)
6-10 reverse lunges (both legs are counted as one movement)

EMOM for final 10 minutes
Every minute, on the minute complete the following for 10 minutes:

5-10 sit-ups
5-10 squats

NOTE: Check your watch when you finish the movements and then take the rest of every minute to recover, ideally aiming for 15 seconds (or more) recovery before starting again at the beginning of the next minute.


From standing, put your hands on the floor in front of your feet, keeping legs as straight as possible, and walk them out in front of you until you are in plank position. Then, keeping legs as straight and possible and you hands on the ground, walk legs in to meet your hands and walk them out to plank again. Repeat
Mountain climbers
Start in plank position with arms straight (not on elbows) then jump your right foot up so it is next to your right hand (or as close to it as possible). As you jump the right leg back out, jump the left leg up to the left hand (like a scissor action, legs jumping in opposite directions). Repeat.
Stand with feet hip width apart , and keeping your chest up (look i front of you, not down at the floor), squat as low as you can (you are aiming for thighs parallel to floor or lower) . Make sure you push your knees out as you do this. Return to standing. Repeat
Walking Lunges
Stand tall and lunge the right leg out in front of you so the thigh is parallel to the floor and the left knee is as low to the floor as possible. Push off with the right foot and on one movement bring the left leg from behind you to a lunge in front of you. Do the same with the right so are walking and lunging at the same time. Keep your core tight and your torso tall at all times.
Reverse lunges
Stand tall and lunge the right leg out far behind you so the knee is close to the floor and the left leg is at a right angle, thigh parallel to the floor. Return to standing and repeat with the other leg. Keep your core tight and your torso tall at all times.
Lie on your back and bring your feel together in front of you and knees out to the sides so your legs form a diamond shape. Sit up and touch your toes with your hands. Repeat.
Start in plank position with your hands on the floor beneath your shoulders, feet together and your core tight. Keeping your body straight and your legs locked out bend your arms so your chest and body lowers to the floor in a straight line. Go as low as you can before pushing back up to plank position. If this is too hard put your knees on the floor and lower your chest to the ground from there and back up. Repeat.
There are two types of burpees - this one (which is easier), then the full burpee (below). 

Stand tall, feet hip width apart then bend at the hips and place your hands just in front of your feet. Kick your legs back into plank position and then jump them back straight back in towards your hands. Stand up straight. Repeat.

Full Burpees
Stand tall, feet hip width apart then bend at the hips and place your hands just in front of your feet. Kick your legs back into plank before dropping your whole body to the floor (try and do this as a continuous smooth movement). Keeping your core tight and body straight push back up to plank and jump legs in to your hands. Stand up straight. Repeat.

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