Schon lange liebe ich die natürlichen Produkte von CAUDALÍE und ganz besonders den super pflegenden Lip Conditioner. Mit einer Formel an Inhaltsstoffen zu 99,5% natürlichen Ursprungs
repariert dieser Lippenpflegestift nach und nach angegriffene Lippen.
Die antioxidative Pflege schützt und nährt und sorgt für schöne Lippen den
ganzen Tag lang. Enthält
Weintrauben-Polyphenole, Karitébutter, Rizinusöl und einen leichten Vanille-Duft.
I love CAUDALÌE products. Especially the Lip Conditioner. For anyone looking for a nourishing, anti-ageing lip conditioner.
Formulated with 99.5% naturally-derived ingredients, this beauty
treatment for the lips repairs damaged lips after each application. Lip
Conditioner contains a delicate vanilla scent with anti-oxidant
properties; delivering nutrition and protection all day long.
GEWINNSPIEL: dont you wish you had some more? verlost 1 x CAUDALÌE Lip Conditioner. dont you wish you had some more? und diesen Blogbeitrag auf Facebook
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ausgeschlossen. Keine Barablöse möglich. Einsendeschluss: 13.09.2012
LOTTERY: dont you wish you had some more? is giving away 1 x CAUDALÌE Lip Conditioner. LIKE dont you wish you had some more? and this Blogpost on Facebook - if you haven't already - an send a mail to with the subject "CAUDALÌE' and your address. No legal process. No cash settlement. Closing date:13.09.2012
LOTTERY: dont you wish you had some more? is giving away 1 x CAUDALÌE Lip Conditioner. LIKE dont you wish you had some more? and this Blogpost on Facebook - if you haven't already - an send a mail to with the subject "CAUDALÌE' and your address. No legal process. No cash settlement. Closing date:13.09.2012
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