Dienstag, 3. Januar 2012


Whole Collection Wishlist-Alert seit ich die Fotos der Spring/Summer 2012 Collection von WILDFOX COUTURE gesehen habe! Jede Season warte ich sehnsüchtig auf das neue Collection Editorial und werde nie enttäuscht - weder modetechnisch, noch von den genial umgesetzten Fotostrecken. Für den Sommer 2012 wandeln wir also auf den Spuren von Uma Thurman ... und ab Februar 2012 gibt es außerdem auch die Wildfox Shoe Collection in Kollaboration mit Jeffrey Campbell (whooohoooo!!!!) in ausgewählten Geschäften bzw. Online-Shops wie Shopbop, Nasty Gal oder Solestruck.


Wildfox Couture’s Spring 2012 collection is a nod to the western film genre, encapsulating its movie stars like Faye Dunaway and Clint Eastwood on set in costume with big hair, cowboy boots, prop guns strapped to their hips, and the romanticism behind spaghetti westerns of the 1960’s. Designers Emily Faulstich and Kimberley Gordon say, “We drew a large part of inspiration from the eloquent, romantic book by Tom Robbins, Even Cowgirls Get the Blues – which is littered with incredible euphemisms and powerful insights into the lonely but astonishing lives of outcast cowgirls. Robbins reveals the power, pain, and humor behind the life of a solitary cowgirl with words that are moving, touching and hilarious. We hope to have captured the same feelings with our new collection.”  

Spring graphics are inspired by vintage style western t-shirts and western gothic romance with crosses and guns, cow skulls and birds, and old sayings in western fonts. The color palette is an array of soft pastels focused on lavender, baby blue and baby pink, with splashes of Desert Sun neon yellow and Cactus Cooler tangerine. 

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