Freitag, 9. September 2011

pictures by ESTEVAN ORIOL ...

Erst vor kurzem, über sein Buch L. A. Woman, bin ich auf den Fotografen Estevan Oriol gestoßen. Früher Türsteher in div. Hip Hop Clubs, war er später mit Bands wie Cypress Hill und House of Pain auf Tour, wo er begonnen hat, seinen Tour-Alltag zu fotografieren und sich schnell einen Namen gemacht hat - bei Musikern, genauso wie bei Filmstars. 

Heute dreht er auch Musik Videos u. a. für Eminem, Cypress Hill, Blink 182 uva.

Große Empfehlung, sich mit den Arbeiten von Estevan Oriol auseinanderzusetzen bzw. sich mal auf der Homepage durchzuklicken!

Translation: (text from his webpage)
Estevan Oriol started his career in entertainment as a bouncer at hip-hop clubs before moving on to tour manage acts Cypress Hill and House of Pain. During that time he became passionate about photography and began documenting his life on the road. When he returned home, his reputation afforded him unlimited access to photograph gang members and celebrities alike. His work has been featured in Complex, FHM, GQ, Vibe, Rolling Stone, and dozens more. Oriol has directed music videos for Eminem, Cypress Hill, Blink 182 and others. His recent photography book, LA Woman captures the beauty and danger of the subject in a lush hardbound edition a decade in the making.

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Oriol pulls inspiration from the city and reflects its sensibilities in his work. Southern California juxtaposes the glitzy and the gritty more than anyplace on Earth and those extremes are visible both in Oriol’s choice of subject and execution. Whether he’s photographing gang life, a fashion model, or Dr. Dre, there is a voice in his work that is distinctly LA bred.

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